A North Yorkshire Nursery, registered with us in 2016.


The nursery setting has, over the years, been an outstanding environment for children and employees. The owner wanted to push the business even further and drive additional learning and professional development.

Having registered with Emplaw Solutions, they now had legally watertight contracts of employment, handbooks and policies and procedures and these have been successfully implemented into the work place. After reviewing staff performance, an area that Lyndhurst wanted to focus on and develop was the engagement and knowledge of Safeguarding issues.

Solution and Implementation

They contacted us to discuss their options and to look at ways in which we could assist them. We gave them some further documentation and training specifically related to safeguarding to distribute to the staff. We also organised a Safeguarding training session at their premises.

This two hour session covered a number of key Safeguarding topics such as; The Role of DBS, DBS Checks, DBS Referrals (how, who and when), Relevant Conduct, The Harm Test and Disqualification by Association.

The Safeguarding training was followed by a question and answer session to help embed the knowledge and to further consider the key learning points from the exercise.


The outcome from the training was clear. The owner and manager saw a noticeable increase in confidence with the staff and the way they conducted themselves with children and parents.

When employees were asked questions, their responses were more informed and specific. In general, employee performance and service standards went up and the nursery continues to have a more focused and energised environment.